Metallurgical Services
Get salt spray testing 365 days a year, we offer 24/7 services for your corrosion testing projects.
All of our Salt Corrosion Testing is priced at an hourly rate. We offer interim inspections during the duration of exposure, as well as photographic and report documentation upon completion.
Salt Spray Testing Service
- Plating/coating comparison
- Customer specified exposure duration
- Specification accept/reject evaluation
- Interim examinations
- Red and white corrosion exams
- Digital photographs of corrosion specimens
- Specification Review
- Engineering review and supervision
Contact us today to learn more about our metallurgical services.

Salt Fog Testing
Our salt spray department (also called salt fog testing) maintains two salt spray test chambers to ASTM B117 requirements. Both chambers are in daily use and we have the versatility to schedule either chamber for long-term salt fog test projects. One chamber is larger permitting projects with a greater number of samples or larger components or assemblies to be tested all within a single chamber.
Long term salt spray tests that require interim examinations actually require twice as many samples as regular B117 tests.

Salt Spray Test Methods & Specifications
The following is a listing of specifications that are in accordance with our A2LA and ISO accreditation.